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Please link Elves, you darling things you.

I don’t own ‘em…you know the rest.




By Laura Thomas



Part 3



Morning. Middle of nowhere...


Boy the sky sure is blue this morning...ooh look at the birdies.

He lay there for what seemed like hours watching the wispy clouds pass overhead and birds flying across the sky. His head hurt...a lot. Throbbing with every heartbeat it pounded and pounded, threatening to beat him senseless. Senseless, he seemed to already have covered.

Birdies? Wait a minute...this isn't the loft! The loft most certainly did not have trees in it, nor did it have...birdies. You're in the woods Sandburg! Jesus, your mental capacity never ceases to amaze me. Now the real question; How the Hell did I get here? He gingerly sat up trying not to aggravate his already throbbing head. The memory of the previous night struck him like lightning, "Oh God, Kate!"




Last Night...



"Blair, there is NO way we're going to be on time to meet Jim. It's already six twenty!" Kate ran around in a mad frenzy to pack up the overheads and fliers that they had used in their presentation to the board. After all the time and effort, they finally got the board to consider giving the department a budget increase.

"Well, I'll call and let him know we'll be late," he said picking up the phone in his office, dialing the number to the Cascade PD.

She finished packing up her things and headed out the already open door, "Great, I'm going to take this box down to my car. Meet you outside, all right?"

"Yeah," he called back as a woman answered Jim's phone.

"Detective Ellison's desk, this is Rhonda. How may I help you?"

"Rhonda? Hey it's Blair. Is Jim around?"

"Nope sorry. He left with the Captain about fifteen minutes ago. He figured you'd be late and would call here."

Blair fought the urge to laugh as he thought Jim knew him all too well, "Did he?"

"Yes. He wanted me to tell you that he was sorry about missing dinner and that he'd meet you at the loft later tonight."

"Great, thanks Rhonda."

"No problem Blair."

He hung up the phone, relieved that he and Kate weren't missing dinner. He grabbed his backpack from the chair he'd dropped it in and left the office, locking the door behind himself.

Blair made his way down to the staff parking lot, running over the day's events in his head. Two classes, three student meetings, his research group, and finally the presentation. Their presentation went fairly well. He just hoped the board would approve the budget increase, for Kate's sake. She needed the money to start a field study program. Blair thought it was a great opportunity for undergrads.

Suddenly he was disrupted from his thoughts as he reached the parking lot. Kate was nowhere to be found. Her car was empty and the box she'd been carrying had been neatly placed in the back seat. "Kate," he called out to the empty lot, receiving no response. He called out once more, still nothing. This was too weird. She would hardly go off without him, right? Especially since she knew they had plans that evening for dinner. Then realization hit him, she wouldn't take off like this.

Blair turned to go back to the building, cursing himself for leaving his cell phone at the loft. Keep it cool Sandburg, she's Jim's girlfriend. Kate's perfectly capable of taking care of herself... Ahh who am I kidding. He's gonna KILL me! Why do these things always happen to--

Two overpowering arms from behind reached around Blair's body, grabbing him in a sort of choke hold. He struggled to get free from the grip only to be picked up off the ground. Blair tried to cry for help, but each time he did the grip around his throat tightened. The man shoved him into the back of a blue van and closed the doors behind him. Blair managed to sputter out, "What the Hell is going on here!? Where's Kate?"

Blair was all too surprised when a man in a black ski mask shoved a gun in his face answered, "You shouldn't stick your nose where it doesn't belong, boy. Now shut up and we won't kill you, got it?"

Blair nodded silently, only to be rewarded with a syringe in his arm. "Now boy, you won't feel a thing."

(End o'the part 3...for the moment)

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